Results for 'Cathleen M. Calbert'

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  1.  46
    Essaying Montaigne: A Study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading (review).Cathleen M. Bauschatz - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (1):137-138.
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    Before Reading: Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation (review).Cathleen M. Bauschatz - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):388-390.
  3.  32
    Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature (review).Cathleen M. Bauschatz - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):147-148.
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    Cognitive impenetrability of early vision does not imply cognitive impenetrability of perception.Cathleen M. Moore - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):385-386.
    Pylyshyn argues that early vision is cognitively impenetrable, and therefore – contrary to knowledge-based theories of perception – that perception is noncontinuous with cognition. Those processes that are included in “early vision,” however, represent at best only one component of perception, and it is important that it is not the component with which most knowledge-based theories are concerned. Pylyshyn's analysis should be taken as a possible source of refinement of knowledge-based theories of perception, rather than as a condemnation of them.
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    Theology in Adult Liberal Education.Cathleen M. Going - 1963 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 38 (4):547-557.
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    Prospective memory skill.Stephen J. Andrzejewski, Cathleen M. Moore, Maria Corvette & Douglas Herrmann - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):304-306.
  7.  26
    Book Review: The Reader's Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response. [REVIEW]Cathleen M. Bauschatz - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):363-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Reader’s Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader ResponseCathleen M. BauschatzThe Reader’s Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response, by Ellen J. Esrock; xii & 241 pp. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, $36.50.Ellen Esrock’s The Reader’s Eye is a call for greater attention to the process of visual imaging in the study of readers and reading. Much of the book summarizes earlier research, showing the bias against readerly imaging (...)
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    The Museum of Tragedy.Cathleen Calbert - 2003 - Feminist Studies 29:320-332.
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    Toward A Thomistic Perspective on Abortion and the Law in Contemporary America.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):343-396.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARD A THOMISTIC PERSPECTIVE ON ABORTION AND THE LAW IN CONTE:MPORARY AMERICA M. CATHLEEN KAVENY Yale University New Haven, Oonnecticut Introduction W;HEN THE SUPREME COURT handed down its abortion decision Webster v. Reproductive Health Services 1 in the summer of 1989, it was widely prel 109 S. Ct. 3040 (1989). All further citations to Webster will be given parenthetically in the text. To summarize the most significant aspects. (...)
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    Diversity and Deliberation: Bioethics Commissions and Moral Reasoning.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (2):311 - 337.
    This article considers the sort of diversity in perspective appropriate for a presidential commission on bioethics, and by implication, high-level governmental commissions on ethics more generally. It takes as its point of comparison the respective reports on human cloning produced by the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, appointed by President Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush's President's Council on Bioethics, under the leadership of its original chair, Leon Kass. I argue that the Clinton Commission Report exemplifies forensic diversity (the type of (...)
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  11.  26
    Assisted Suicide, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutive Function of the Law.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (5):29-34.
  12.  21
    What is Legalism? Engelhardt and Grisez on the Misuse of Law in Christian Ethics.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2008 - The Thomist 72:443-85.
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  13.  72
    The Order of Widows: What the Early Church Can Teach Us about Older Women and Health Care.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (1):11-34.
  14.  31
    Law and Christian Ethics: Signposts for a Fruitful Conversation.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):3-32.
    This essay invites Christian ethicists to engage in a mutually beneficial conversation with the secular law, particularly the common law. It argues that the common law's feature of narrative accountability provides a natural bridge to Christian ethics. It also points out contact points between the two fields regarding normative concepts of persons, actions, norms, and the common good. Finally, it illustrates the possibilities of a conversation between law and Christian ethics by delving into the leading case on the doctrine of (...)
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  15.  64
    Commodifying the polyvalent good of health care.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (3):207 – 223.
    This essay serves as an introduction to this issue of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy on commodification and health care. The essay attempts to sharpen the articulation of generally expressed worries about the commodification of health care. It does so by defining commodification, analyzing three components of the good of health care, and attempting to assess how commodification might distort the shape of each of those components. Next, it explores how the good of health care might be distorted by (...)
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  16.  20
    The nbac report on cloning : A case study in religion, public policy and bioethics.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2006 - In David E. Guinn (ed.), Handbook of bioethics and religion. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The report produced by the National Bioethics Advisory Commission at the request of President Bill Clinton, titled Cloning Human Beings, provides a good example of the two-pronged approach to religion in bioethics. The report merits careful scrutiny precisely because of the deftness with which it appears to negotiate the thorny questions surrounding the role of religion in public policy. Analysis of the structure, arguments, and rhetoric of the report reveals the theoretical and practical inadequacy of the currently reigning two-pronged approach (...)
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  17.  49
    Between example and doctrine contract law and common morality.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (4):669-695.
    In "Democracy and Tradition," Jeffrey Stout contends that American constitutional democracy constitutes a well-functioning moral and political tradition that is not hostile to religion, although it does not depend on any specifically religious claims. I argue that Stout's contention is supported by a consideration of the great common law subject of contracts, as taught to first-year law students across the United States. First, I demonstrate how contract law can fruitfully be understood as a Maclntyrean tradition. Second, I illustrate the moral (...)
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  18. Prophetic rhetoric and moral disagreement.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2009 - In Lawrence Cunningham (ed.), Intractable Disputes About the Natural Law: Alasdair Macintyre and Critics. University of Notre Dame Press.
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  19.  32
    Thiemann and Public Argument.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 7 (2):33-53.
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  20. Conjoined twins and catholic moral analysis: Extraordinary means and casuistical consistency.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (2):115-140.
    : This article draws upon the Roman Catholic distinction between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" means of medical treatment to analyze the case of "Jodie" and "Mary," the Maltese conjoined twins whose surgical separation was ordered by the English courts over the objection of their Roman Catholic parents and Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. It attempts to shed light on the use of that distinction by surrogate decision makers with respect to incompetent patients. In addition, it critically analyzes (...)
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  21.  83
    COVID‐19 and Religious Ethics.Toni Alimi, Elizabeth L. Antus, Alda Balthrop-Lewis, James F. Childress, Shannon Dunn, Ronald M. Green, Eric Gregory, Jennifer A. Herdt, Willis Jenkins, M. Cathleen Kaveny, Vincent W. Lloyd, Ping-Cheung Lo, Jonathan Malesic, David Newheiser, Irene Oh & Aaron Stalnaker - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (3):349-387.
    The editors of the JRE solicited short essays on the COVID‐19 pandemic from a group of scholars of religious ethics that reflected on how the field might help them make sense of the complex religious, cultural, ethical, and political implications of the pandemic, and on how the pandemic might shape the future of religious ethics.
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    Book Review: Critical Tales: New Studies of the Heptameron and Early Modern Culture. [REVIEW]Dora E. Polachek - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):392-393.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Critical Tales: New Studies of the Heptaméron and Early Modern CultureDora E. PolachekCritical Tales: New Studies of the Heptaméron and Early Modern Culture, edited by John D. Lyons and Mary B. McKinley; xii & 296 pp. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993, $36.95.What a difference a decade can make. In 1983 H. P. Clive’s slim Marguerite de Navarre: An Annotated Bibliography made pointedly clear the marginal position of (...)
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    Comments on six responses to democracy and tradition.Jeffrey Stout - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (4):709-744.
    This paper is a rejoinder to papers by Sabina Lovibond, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Sumner B. Twiss, G. Scott Davis, M. Cathleen Kaveny, and John Kelsay on the author's recent book "Democracy and Tradition". The argument covers a host of topics, ranging from epistemology and methodology to human rights, the common law, and Islamic ethics.
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    Dignitas personae, HEK 293, and the COVID Vaccines.Melissa Moschella - 2021 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 21 (1):107-121.
    Using cell lines like HEK 293 or their products—like many of the COVID-19 vaccines—involves no cooperation with evil strictly speaking, but it does involve appropriation of the benefits of past evil. Applying M. Cathleen Kaveny’s framework for assessing the permissibility of appropriating the benefits of evil, the duty to avoid using cell lines like HEK 293 or their products is weak and defeasible. Proper interpretation of Dignitas personae requires recognizing the crucial moral differences between the use of these cell (...)
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  25.  15
    Searching for a universal ethic: multidisciplinary, ecumenical, and interfaith responses to the Catholic natural law tradition.William C. Mattison & John Berkman (eds.) - 2014 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    In this volume twenty-three major scholars comment on and critically evaluate In Search of a Universal Ethic, the 2009 document written by the International Theological Commission (ITC) of the Catholic Church. That historic document represents an official Church contribution both to a more adequate understanding of a universal ethic and to Catholicism s own tradition of reflection on natural law. The essays in this book reflect the ITC document s complementary emphases of dialogue across traditions (universal ethic) and reflection on (...)
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  26.  18
    On the Appropriation of Evil as Cooperation with Evil’s Mirror Image.Kevin L. Flannery - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (1):45-56.
    Since its publication in the year 2000, M. Cathleen Kaveny’s article “Appropriation of Evil: Cooperation’s Mirror Image” has had a notable influence upon several scholars who appear to agree with its central argument— namely, that the theory of cooperation with evil needs to be supplemented by a concept that Kaveny calls “appropriation.” The main point of the present article is that Kaveny misrepresents the traditional theory regarding cooperation with evil and that appropriation, as she understands it, is therefore not (...)
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  27. A philosophers changing views.M. Fox & Animal Experimentation - 1987 - Between the Species 3 (2):55-80.
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  28. General anesthesia and the neural correlates of consciousness.M. T. Alkire & Jeff G. Miller - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    The fictions of language and the languages of fiction: The linguistic representation of speech and consciousness.M. Fludernik & R. D. Sell - 1995 - Journal of Pragmatics 24.
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    After “40 Cases”.M. V. Dougherty - 2023 - Vivarium 61 (3-4):245-287.
    This article documents how a serial plagiarism case discovered over a decade ago continues to generate negative effects in the downstream research on medieval and early modern philosophy. The ongoing positive citation of the 40 plagiarizing articles and book chapters – including those retracted by their publishers – affects the reliability of later scholarship in several ways. The present state of affairs is the joint result of authors, editors, peer reviewers, and publishers who continue to allow (and in some cases, (...)
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  31. Every real closed field has an integer part.M. H. Mourgues & J. P. Ressayre - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):641-647.
    Let us call an integer part of an ordered field any subring such that every element of the field lies at distance less than 1 from a unique element of the ring. We show that every real closed field has an integer part.
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  32. al-Ibdāʻ wa-niẓām al-ḥukm.Mājid Mūrīs Ibrāhīm - 2016 - al-Iskandarīyah: Maktabat al-Iskandarīyah.
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  33. Non-analytic conceptual knowledge.M. Giaquinto - 1996 - Mind 105 (418):249-268.
  34.  41
    Community hospital oversight of clinical investigators' financial relationships.M. A. Hall, K. P. Weinfurt, J. S. Lawlor, J. Y. Friedman, K. A. Schulman & J. Sugarman - 2008 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (1):7-13.
    The considerable attention to financial interests in clinical research has focused mostly on academic medical centers, even though the majority of clinical research is conducted in community practice settings. To fill this gap, this article maps the practices and policies in 73 community hospitals and several hundred specialized facilities around the country for reviewing clinical investigators’ financial relationships with research sponsors. Community hospitals face a substantially different mix of issues than academic medical centers do because their physician researchers are usually (...)
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    The Gauthier Enterprise*: JAMES M. BUCHANAN.James M. Buchanan - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (2):75-94.
    I take it as my assignment to criticize the Gauthier enterprise. At the outset, however, I should express my general agreement with David Gauthier's normative vision of a liberal social order, including the place that individual principles of morality hold in such an order. Whether the enterprise is, ultimately, judged to have succeeded or to have failed depends on the standards applied. Considered as a coherent grounding of such a social order in the rational choice behavior of persons, the enterprise (...)
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  36. Do bioscientists need professional ethics.M. Häyry - 2003 - In Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala (eds.), Scratching the surface of bioethics. New York: Rodopi. pp. 91--97.
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    Sensations, brain-processes, and colours.M. C. Bradley - 1963 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):385-93.
  38. Possible worlds semantics and the liar: reflections on a problem posed by Kaplan.Sten Lindström - 2009 - In Joseph Almog & Paolo Leonardi (eds.), The philosophy of David Kaplan. New York: Oxford University Press.
  39. Faḍāʼil Ahl al-Bayt ʻalayhim al-salām bayna taḥrīf al-mudawwinīn wa-tanāquḍ manāhij al-muḥaddithīn: dirāsah li-ithbāt wuqūʻ al-taḥrīf wa-al-tanāquḍ fī maṣādir al-Ḥadīth wa-qawāʻidihi ʻinda al-ʻāmmah wa-athar dhālik fī faḍāʼil Ahl al-Bayt ʻalayhim al-salām.Wisām Burhān Baldāwī - 2012 - Karbilāʼ: Qism al-Shuʼūn al-Fikrīyah wa-al-Thaqāfīyah fī al-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah.
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  40. Midrash and Lection in Matthew.M. D. Goulder - 1974
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  41. The Circular Conditions of Second-order Science Sporadically Illustrated with Agent-based Experiments at the Roots of Observation.M. Füllsack - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):46-54.
    Problem: The inclusion of the observer into scientific observation entails a vicious circle of having to observe the observer as dependent on observation. Second-order science has to clarify how its underlying circularity can be scientifically conceived. Method: Essayistic and conceptual analysis, sporadically illustrated with agent-based experiments. Results: Second-order science - implying science in general - is fundamentally and ineluctably circular. Implications - The circularity of second-order science asks for analytical methods able to cope with phenomena of complex causation and “synchronous (...)
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    Direct Reference, Indexicality, and Propositional Attitudes.M. Anduschus, Albert Newen & Wolfgang Kunne (eds.) - 1997 - CSLI Press.
    This volume is a compilation of revised versions of papers presented at a conference held in spring 1994 at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld, Germany.
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    Editorial: Systematic Observation: Engaging Researchers in the Study of Daily Life as It Is Lived.M. Teresa Anguera, Angel Blanco-Villaseñor, Gudberg K. Jonsson, José Luis Losada & Mariona Portell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  44. Prediction and accommodation in evolutionary psychology.M. Forster & Lawrence A. Shapiro - 2000 - Psychological Inquiry 11:31-33.
    Ketelaar and Ellis have provided a remarkably clear and succinct statement of Lakatosian philosophy of science and have also argued compellingly that the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution fills the Lakatosian criteria of progressivity. We find ourselves in agreement with much of what Ketelaar and Ellis say about Lakatosian philosophy of science, but have some questions about (1) the place of evolutionary psychology in a Lakatosian framework, and (2) the extent to which evolutionary psychology truly predicts new findings.
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  45. Survey of Blindness in Bay.M. R. Fojas, G. De Ocampo & J. Fortes - 1969 - Laguna. Phil. J Ophthal 1:14.
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  46. La filosofia como intelligenza dell'esperienza.M. Gentile - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (3):449-456.
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  47. El pensamiento filosofico y politico de Antonio Labriola.M. G. M. G. - 1985 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (3):162.
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  48. "Uznatʹ i poli︠u︡bitʹ": iz perepiski 1893-1925 godov.M. O. Gershenzon - 2016 - Sankt-Peterburg: T︠S︡entr gumanitarnykh init︠s︡iativ.
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  49. Giovanni Pinna, Declino e Caduta dell'Impero dei Dinosauri.M. T. Ghiselin - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):432-432.
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  50. Memory for events during anesthesia does occur: an anesthesiologist's viewpoint.M. M. Ghoneim & R. I. Block - 1993 - In P. S. Sebel, B. Bonke & E. Winograd (eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia. Prentice-Hall. pp. 452--458.
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